CheatSheet Of Markdown

Table of contents

No heading

No headings in the article.

Heading: #H1 ##H2 ###H3 ####H4 image.png

Bold: bold or bold

Italic: italicized text or italicized text


blockquote (hello everyone)

Ordered list:

                     1. one
                     2. two
                     3. Three
                         1. one
                         1. one

unordered list:

                        - First item
                       - Second item
                       - Third item

for ( let i = o; i < cars.length; i++) { test += cars[i] + "<br>"; }

colored code:

 for ( let i = o; i < cars.length; i++) {
     test += cars[i] + "<br>";
 for ( let i = o; i < cars.length; i++) {
     test += cars[i] + "<br>";

Horizontal Rule:
My websites ---


image: alt text

Strikethrough: 999 699 image.png

Task List:

                   - [x] Write the press release
                   - [ ] Update the website
                   - [ ] Contact the media

Highlight: I need to highlight these ==very important words==. image.png